September 16, 2024

Set up your Stream Deck for gaming live with the uno plugin

uno gaming overlays at your fingertips

Want to live stream games like a pro? Read our blog for tips on how to set up your Stream Deck for gaming and set keys to control your YouTube gaming overlay.

Linking up your Stream Deck for gaming makes live streaming easier and hassle-free even  for beginner streamers. uno has several animated gaming overlays that can be controlled directly from your Stream Deck. Here’s how to use our free plugin to set up some useful layouts.

Hook up your Stream Deck to one of our gaming overlays

You can connect your Stream Deck to any uno gaming overlay by downloading our free plugin and taking the following steps:

1. In the Stream Deck app, scroll down the category dropdowns to the uno Overlays category.

2. Drag the “uno Control” action into an empty key.

3. In, go to My Library. Double click the gaming overlay you want to use. This will automatically open the online interface in a new window.

4. At the top right corner of the online interface, click the key symbol to copy the overlay’s uno Token.

5. In the Stream Deck app, paste the uno Token into the uno Token field.

Keep score of player points

Whether you’re using one of our counters or game frames, here’s how you can add keys on your Stream Deck that add points to each player’s score:

1. Create an uno Control key and paste the overlay uno Token into the uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Change overlay field”.

3. In the Field category, select the counter for the player you want to set the button for. (so for example, for Player 1, click on “Counter - Player 1 score”).

4. In Operation, click “Increment” 

5. Edit the Value field to the number of points you want the score to increase by. (For example, “1” would increase Player 1’s score by 1 each time you press the key.)

You can also change the icon to match the number of points you want to increase by. We have icons for increments or decrements of 1, 2, 3, 6.

Start and reset your countdown clock

Organizing a challenge with another player and need an on-screen countdown? Our game frame overlays keep track of your score and include countdowns and stopwatches in the banner, like our featured Spartan-themed Game Frame

As well as setting up keys that add points, you can also set up keys that start the countdown timer on our frame overlay for challenges.

We’re using our PNG-themed Game Frame here.

Here’s how you set up a switch that launches or resets the timer on the gaming overlay border:

1. In the Stream Deck category dropdowns, find the Multi Action category.

2. Drag the Multi Action Switch function into an empty key. This will automatically open the Multi Action Switch panel on your Stream Deck app.

3. Scroll down the Stream Deck category dropdowns on the right to the uno Overlays category.

4. Drag the uno Control function into the Multi Action Switch panel.

5. Go to the overlay interface on to copy the uno Token. 

6. Go back to Stream Deck App. On page 1 of the Multi Action Switch panel, click on the uno Control function.

7. Paste the uno Token in the uno Token field.

8. In the Action dropdown menu, scroll down and click on “Change overlay field”.

9. In the Field dropdown menu, click on “Dropdown - Display”.

10. In the Value dropdown menu, click on “Timer Count Down”. This creates an action that will swap from the custom text in the overlay’s subtitle to display the countdown timer.  

11. Right click on the uno Control function and click “Copy”. 

12. Paste in the space below on the panel to create a copy of the timer display action. Now you’ve added a second action without having to repeat the steps of copy and pasting the uno Token from our online interface. 

13. In the second action, change the Field value to “Timer Control - Timer Control”. The Operation field should say “Start”. Now this second action starts the countdown timer. 

14. At the navigation bar at the top of the Multi Action Switch panel, click on “2” to go to the second action in the Multi Action Switch panel. Right click on the empty space and click “Paste”.

15. Change the Operation field to “Reset”. Now when you press the switch key a second time, it will reset the countdown timer. 

Customizing your Multi Action Switch key

You can customize how your Multi Action Switch looks by using any of uno’s free Stream Deck icons, or downloading any of the free or paid icons available on Stream Deck Marketplace.

If there’s too much delay between pressing your key and the action taking place, or between one action and another in your Multi Action key, you can change the length of the delays. Click on the timer icon next to the trash icon, and adjust the delay time by using the sliding dials.  

Set up a counter bug overlay like a pro

Take inspiration from @EagleGarrett’s review of uno overlays and recreate his Stream Deck layout that links up to a YouTube gaming overlay. After you’ve set up points for the left and right counters (see above for our how-to), you can create this layout by adding a toggle key and a reset key.

We’re using our Nebula-themed 2X Counter overlay.

Create a toggle key

Hit this key to display or hide the overlay.

1. Create an uno Control key and paste the overlay uno Token into the uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2.  In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Toggle overlay”.

Create a reset key

Hit this key to reset the score and start over. 

Note: You can create a reset key by using a Multi Action key. This Stream Deck function requires a small (0.5 seconds) delay between actions to work, which you can set by using the sliding dials. However, this delay might make your game live stream look less polished, and can cause issues with the overlay.

You can use the uno Stream Deck plugin’s JSON function to avoid these issues:

1. Create an uno Control key and paste the uno overlay Token into the uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Set overlay content JSON”.

3. In the overlay’s online interface, make sure that both the left and right counter are set to “0”.

4. On the Stream Deck App, scroll down on the key control panel and click the “Fetch content JSON” button.

5. When you hit this key, the counter overlay will start over with 0 on the counter for both the left and right counters.

Start setting up your live stream gaming setup today

If you’re looking for more tips on how to set up your Stream Deck for gaming, join our Discord community. You can also explore our library and find the perfect gaming overlay for your next live stream. We’re always updating with brand-new overlays, and we’re always open to hearing your suggestions – so join our Discord community and say hi.

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Sign up for a free uno account, allowing you to save overlays and more.

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