September 4, 2024

How to set up Stream Deck control panels for sport scoreboards

Use our tennis scoreboard layouts or create your own Stream Deck setup

Read our tips on how to set up Stream Deck layouts to control our scoreboard overlays in this blog, and try setting up our layouts for the uno tennis scoreboard online.

No matter what sports you’re live streaming, keeping score during games can get hectic. If controlling live overlays, camera sources and microphones from one laptop sounds overwhelming, adding a Stream Deck to your system can help. Here are our tips on how to set up Stream Deck layouts for a sports scoreboard.

Connect a sports overlay to your Stream Deck

Uno has scoreboard overlays for many different sports, all of which link up to your Stream Deck through our free plugin. Once you’ve signed up to, you can add an unlimited number of scoreboard overlays to your personal library, and customize them to match the teams and competitors playing. 

To link up any of our scoreboard overlays to your Stream Deck, simply download our free plugin and take the following steps:

1. In the Stream Deck app, scroll down the category dropdowns to the Uno Overlays category.

2. Drag the “Uno Control” action into an empty key.

3. In, go to My Library. Double click the scoreboard overlay you want to use. This will automatically open the online interface in a new window.

4. At the top right corner of the online interface, click the key symbol to copy the overlay’s Uno Token.

5. In the Stream Deck app, paste the Uno Token into the Uno Token field.

There are several ways to customize your Stream Deck and control our scoreboard overlays. In the spirit of the recent US Open and Wimbledon, we’ll start by showing you how to create a DIY control panel for tennis. 

Making your own DIY tennis control panel

Here’s how to set up a control panel for our Standard Tennis Scorebug on your Stream Deck. We’re including two layouts – one for each game, and one for the whole match.

Keep score in each game

With this layout, you can keep score of points in each game, from love to advantage. 

Here's our game Stream Deck layout using the Standard Tennis Scorebug.

This Stream Deck layout includes:

  • Keys to display points Player A and Player B (from love to advantage)
  • Keys to indicate who’s serving
  • A switch to display and hide a Break Point alert
  • A switch to start and stop the game clock

Tip: We created a folder for this tennis game control panel to keep things organized. You can endlessly stack subfolders – so don’t be afraid to play around with organizing your Stream Deck functions. 

Here’s how to set up your point keys for both players:

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the tennis overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Set points player A”. Press this game points key to show Player A’s starting score of zero (or love). 

3. Right click the zero points key, and click on “Copy”. Paste into the empty key on the right. This creates a new Stream Deck key with exactly the same functions.

4. In the Value dropdown menu of the new key, click on “15”. Press this key to show that Player A has scored 15 points in the game. 

5. You can now create points keys for 30, 40 and advantage. Copy and paste the zero points key, and select “30”, “40”, or “ADV” to fill out the remaining points for Player A.

6. Copy the zero points key and paste directly into the empty key below on the Stream Deck app.

7. In the Action dropdown menu of the new key, click on “Set points player B”. You now have a zero points key for Player B. 

8. Repeat steps 3-5 to fill out the rest of the row for Player B.

Here’s how to set up keys to swap who’s serving on the tennis overlay: 

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the tennis overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Set Serve”.

3. In the Value dropdown menu, click on “Player A”. When you press this serve key, the scoreboard will show that Player A is serving.

4. Copy the serve key and paste into an empty key on the Stream Deck app panel. 

5. In the Value dropdown menu of the copied function, click on “Player B”. Press this key to show that Player B is serving.

Here’s how to add a switch to display or hide the overlay’s break point alert using Stream Deck’s Multi Action Switch:

1. In the Stream Deck category dropdowns, find the Multi Action category. 

2. The Multi Action Switch allows you to perform one function when the switch is “on”, and a second action when you press the switch again. 

Drag the Multi Action Switch function into an empty key. This will automatically open the Multi Action Switch panel on Action 1. This is the first action (or set of actions) that the key will launch when you press it for the first time. 

3. Scroll down the Stream Deck category dropdowns on the right to the Uno Overlays category.

4. Drag the Uno Control function into the Multi Action Switch panel. 

5. Go to the overlay interface on to copy the tennis overlay’s Uno Token.

6. Go back to Stream Deck App. On page 1 of the Multi Action Switch panel, click on the Uno Control function. 

7. Paste the Uno Token in the Uno Token field.

8. In the Action dropdown menu that appears, scroll down and click on “Show break point”. 

This sets the first action of the Multi Action Switch to displaying the Break Point message on the overlay.

9. Right click on the Uno Control function in the Multi Action Switch panel. Click “Copy”. 

10. At the navigation bar at the top of the Multi Action Switch panel, “1” should be highlighted on the navigation bar. Click on “2” to go to the second action in the Multi Action Switch panel.

11. Right click on the empty space and click “Paste”.

12. In the dropdown Action menu of the new function, click on “Hide break point”. You have now created a switch that will display the Break Point alert when pressed once, and then hide the alert when you press it again. 

Tip: You can change the icons to show different icons for when the break point is hidden or shown, and add text to the key by clicking on the + symbol on the icon display. 

You can also add a toggle action by taking the following steps:

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2.  In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Toggle break point visibility”.

Setting up your game clock

The Multi Action Switch function on your stream deck can also be used to create a key that starts and pauses your game clock. Simply follow the same steps above, and change the Action 1 to “Play match time”, and Action 2 to “Pause match time”. You can do this for several other functions with any scoreboard overlay. It’s always a good idea to test out your Multi Action switches to make sure they perform the function correctly.

Games, sets, and tiebreakers 

We’ve designed this layout to help you keep track of games won, display sets and tiebreakers on the tennis scoreboard online – just with a few keys. In addition to a folder that contains our game control panel, this Stream Deck layout contains:

  • Keys to add each match won by Player A and Player B in either 3 set or 5 set matches.
  • Key to move to the next set
  • Key to start (or stop) the tiebreaker
  • Keys to add each game won by each player during the tiebreaker (see the tennis balls)

Here’s how to program keys that add +1 to games won per set for both players:

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the tennis overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Increase set 1 player A”.

3. Make sure the Value field says “1”. Every time you press this key, you add +1 to games won by Player A in the first set of the tennis match. 

4. Copy this +1 key and paste it in the empty key to the right.

5. In the Action dropdown menu of the copied key, click on “Increase set 2 player A”.

6. Repeat this for the next five sets. You can see what set number the button will add +1 game to by looking at the following part of the Field: “Increase set (SET NUMBER) player A”. So for example, if you’re creating a key for set 4 of the match, select “Increase set 4 player A”.

7. Copy your first +1 game key for player A. Paste it into the empty key below.

8. In the Action dropdown menu of the new key, click on “Increase set 1 player B”.

9. By copy and pasting this +1 game key in the remaining empty key to the right, create +1 game keys for sets 2-5. (See steps 4-6). You can edit the icons and add text to remind you which button adds games to which set, like we’ve done above.

Here’s how to add a key to move to the next set in the match:

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the tennis overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Increase Set”. Make sure that the Value is “1”. Every time you press this key, you will move onto the next set in the match.

Here’s how to set up a key to set up a tiebreaker alert:

1. In the Stream Deck category dropdowns, find the Multi Action category.

2. Drag the Multi Action Switch function into an empty key. This will automatically open the Multi Action Switch panel on your Stream Deck app.

3. Scroll down the Stream Deck category dropdowns on the right to the Uno Overlays category.

4. Drag the Uno Control function into the Multi Action Switch panel.

5. Go to the overlay interface on to copy the Uno Token.

6. Go back to Stream Deck App. On page 1 of the Multi Action Switch panel, click on the Uno Control function. 

7. Paste the Uno Token in the Uno Token field.

8. In the Action dropdown menu, scroll down and click on “Show tie-break”.

9. At the navigation bar at the top of the Multi Action Switch panel, click on “2” to go to the second action in the Multi Action Switch panel.

11. Right click on the empty space and click “Paste”. 

12. In the dropdown Action menu of the new function, click on “Hide break point”. You have now created a switch that will activate tiebreaker points on the scoreboard when pressed once, and then hide the alert when you press it again. 

Here’s how to set up keys that add +1 game to each player during the tiebreaker:

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the tennis overlay Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Increase tie-break player A”. Make sure that the Value is “1”.

3. Copy and paste this key into an empty space on the right.

4. In the Action dropdown menu of the new key, click on “Increase tie-break player B”. You can now use these keys to count the games each player wins during the tiebreaker. 

Link your Stream Deck to more scoreboards 

Not every scoreboard overlay works the same way as tennis’s unique points system. For example, here’s how you can program Stream Deck keys to add points in our Simple Volleyball Scorebug Overlay.

1. Create an Uno Control key and paste the overlay’s Uno Token into the Uno Token field. Or, copy and paste any other Uno Control key and edit the Action field.

2. In the Action dropdown menu, click on “Change overlay field”.

3. In the Field dropdown menu, click on “Number - T1 Game 1 score”.

4. In the Operation dropdown menu, click on “Increment”.

5. In the Value field, type “1” (one). 

When you press this key, you add +1 point to Team 1’s score in the first game. By selecting different Fields, you can change the team and game you’re adding points to.

Create your own scoreboard control panel today 

These are just a few of our tips on how to set up Stream Deck sports scoreboards. However, the beauty of our Stream Deck plugin is that it is completely customizable to the layout and functions you want, based on how you use our scoreboard overlays. All uno overlays have their own API, so are all compatible with your Stream Deck. If you’re looking for more ideas, join our Discord community today, or explore

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