September 4, 2024

Why you should start a Study With Me live stream

Help your viewers boost productivity and share study techniques

Why should you start a Study with Me live stream? Discover the benefits of starting a live Study with Me Channel, how to make study with me videos, and add our overlays to help communicate with your viewers.

Watching someone work in silence might sound about as fun as waiting for water to boil. Despite this, Study with Me live stream channels have built their own cult following among students and habitual procrastinators. In 2023, there were more than 520 million views of YouTube videos with “study with me” in the title. 

What is a Study With Me live stream?

A Study with Me live stream usually shows a person on camera studying or working. In contrast to a fast-paced, high action gaming live stream, a Study with Me live streamer rarely talks to their audience. Instead, they rely on streaming graphics, beautiful work stations, and study-friendly music. 

The Study with Me format is popular with vloggers all around the world, from South Korea to London. Creators implement both pre-recorded videos and live streaming. Study with Me channels have the biggest following on YouTube, however you can find them on other platforms like Twitch and even TikTok.

Why people keep tuning in to live Study with Me sessions 

Study with Me videos make solitary tasks like studying or deep work feel less lonely. They create a virtual coworking space free of the usual distractions, while still providing enough passive stimulation for busy minds.

But viewers of Study with Me live streams don’t just get emotional support to work. They get a glimpse into someone else’s routine, get tips for focus and productivity, and even get inspiration for creating their own aesthetically pleasing work space. 

Live Study with Me sessions also help streamers focus on their tasks. Having an audience puts pressure on procrastinators and holds them accountable. 

One genre, many tastes

The Study with Me genre allows for a huge amount of creativity. You can build your own niche based on how you want your study area to look. If you’re stuck, here are a few examples of what popular creators are doing:

  • Take advantage of a cityscape and pair it with great mood lighting like Canada-based cardiac surgery resident @StudyMD. (Study MD also produces and releases his own study-friendly music.)
  • Run Study with Me channel and vlog with minimalist backgrounds like Japanese college student @pikechannel. (Extra bonus points if you show your pet napping during study sessions.)
  • Pair beautiful, atmospheric views with on-screen messages like @TheSherryFormula. Her videos include timers for study and break, breathing exercises, and study tips.
  • Share your screen and show your viewers exactly what you’re studying like London-based doctor @KharmaMedic.
  • Set up a cute, aesthetically pleasing work station like @StudyToSuccess with several accessories and stationary that romanticize studying or working. 

How to make Study with Me videos or live streams

If live streaming sounds like too much to handle on your own, you can also pre-record them and add overlays later. Here’s what you need to get started with a Study with Me live stream: 

Choose your filming tools

Whether you use a smartphone or a high-quality camera, it’s always better to set up a tripod or camera stand so you can focus fully on studying. You should also set up a microphone to collect ambient sound and bring your audience into the space with you.

Lighting is important. Make sure that your camera can pick up images without noise. You can use colorful mood lighting, or find a space with good natural light, or invest in a ring light. You can also play videos or music in the background on your own computer screen, but be mindful of YouTube’s strict copyright policies.

Pick your streaming platform and software

Each live streaming platform has different monetization policies, but you will have decent opportunities with paid partnerships or sponsorships. You can multistream to multiple platforms at once with streaming software. 

OBS Studio is free to use and compatible with any device (including Linux), however you can also use other free options like vMix, or freemium options like Streamlabs

Figure out your timing and structure

Study with Me videos can be shorter than an hour or as long as four hours. You can stream or record as long as you can bear studying – or longer. Some streamers record their study breaks and double their Study with Me live stream with vlogging. 

However, many Study With Me channels break up their sessions using study methods like pomodoro or animedoro. The pomodoro technique splits work into four 25-minute stretches of work and 5-minute breaks, before you take a long break. The animedoro technique is based on the pomodoro technique, where you work for 40-60 minutes, then watch an episode of your favorite anime (or take an equivalent break of about 20 minutes). 

Add overlays to your Study with Me live stream  

Since Study with Me videos don’t usually include much talking, you can communicate effectively with your viewers by using overlays. uno has a wide range of overlays that are perfect for your next Study with Me live stream. 

Add a countdown timer to your screen for study sessions and breaks. This is a great way to visualize your live stream Study with Me pomodoro schedule. 

We’re using our Zinc-themed Countdown overlay.

You can also use one of our fully-customizable timer bugs to add a countdown or count-up clock, like this Thungsten-themed overlay or this Standard Timer Bug.

Display your study schedule on an overlay. Our talking points overlays can be controlled live using our online interface – which can be used on your mobile device for convenience.

Display messages and reminders to your viewers with a ticker overlay. Our tickers can be used to set up multiple slots with pre-set messages, and you can swap between them easily mid-stream. 

All uno overlays are fully customizable and controllable in real time using our online interfaces. Sign up today and start using our overlays for free. And, if you’re not sure how to run a Study with Me live stream or have questions about live streaming in general, you can get advice from creators and streamers in our Discord community.

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